"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." 1 Corinthians 13:12

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Through a Glass Darkly

It's early morning, but I can tell already that this day will be a strange one for January in Maine. The temperature has risen to almost 40 degrees. The air is so calm that the bough outside my window is absolutely still. There's a delicate beauty in the droplets gently suspended from the pine needles, reminders of last night's rain. A heavy mist allows only the slightest peek at the beach before enveloping the rest of the lake and opposite shore. I feel snuggled into a world of secure serenity.

My life looks a lot like the view outside. The activity level generates a lot of warmth, shall we say, as I shuffle from one responsibility to another. There's a certain sense of calm in the daily routine I've developed - from one thing to the next and the next. God does intervene with reminders of His loving grace that bring beauty and sustain me as I go. He grants me glimpses of what's ahead as He shrouds the rest with His glory. I am secure in the sovereignty of my loving Father.

Before you get the wrong impression, my life isn't all warm and fuzzy. There are real deadlines to meet and regular people to love. There's dust and dirt to clean along with pain and grief to bear. There's limited time and energy to spend as well as faulty impressions and understandings to sort. While daily life goes on, I am struggling with some of the deepest, most basic issues one could ever imagine. In the midst of the turmoil God is enfolding me in His arms of compassion and truth. The result is the peace described in John 14:27.

Words fall far too short of being able to articulate the current battle being waged around me. The annoyer clearly wants my blood. The war cries and clashing swords are severe enough to deafen. This week some old, unredeemed tapes began to play themselves in my head. I felt the onslaught and reeled under its impact. My breath was taken from me as I looked right into the eyes of my oppressor. I began to slump to the ground and called to my Savior for rescue. Within minutes, through the passage in my daily Scripture reading, God sent the shining light of His truth into the fray. Who would have thought that a few verses in Numbers, that "boring" Old Testament book, would speak volumes into a 2008 life? Who would believe that a hard-fought habit to seek God daily through His Word would render peace that passes understanding? Who would believe that the Creator of the universe would reach out and touch little old me? The Victor came in and set my feet back upon the rock near Him. Exodus 33:21 Hallelujah!

I wish there were a way to describe the procedure by which to obtain such great comfort from our loving God. I guess if I could explain it in 10 easy steps, I'd be a millionaire with more than a cottage garret work space. The truth is that Scripture, from beginning to end, outlines the way to peace with God. It's not merely a New Testament conversion experience, though being born again is an introductory step. Rather, it's a relationship-building process undergirded and empowered by the fullness of His written revelation. From first word to last, the Bible shows us who God is and opens the way to get to know Him as Father, Sovereign, and Lord.

This week I learned that the more time I spend reading, pondering, and responding the closer God and I become. The troubles of this life are swallowed up in His intimate presence. It is a glimpse I won't soon forget. I'm inspired to see what's ahead in His unfolding glory. The mist covering the lake brings 1 Corinthians 13:12 to mind. "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." Oh how I yearn for that great day when I shall see my Father's face and be completely immersed in who He is. Amen


KL said...

Ah, yes, what a precious gift we have been given in His Word! This verse came to mind: "O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day." Psalm 119:97

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder that we are in a constant battle....and that the battle has already been won!

God's truth is our weapon....I'm inspired to read, meditate and cherish it!

Praise the Lord....His love is overwhelming