"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." 1 Corinthians 13:12

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sandra Glimpse

You know, I'm becoming more and more convinced that God can and does speak to us just about everywhere and/or in the midst of anything. It might be hard to imagine that our heavenly Father gave me a glimpse of Himself through the Subject line of my email program, but it's true.

For a long time I've used SANDRA in all caps as the Subject line of my email opener with a dash and the topic afterward. I did that because I like to know who's sending emails to me so I can decide if I want to open them or not. (Sorry folks.) I figured if other people saw SANDRA in all caps they'd know it had to be me and not just anybody with that name - and bring excitement about reading my message. It seems to have worked for the last several years, well, ever since I learned how to use email.

Lately I've been getting the sense that SANDRA may be a little strong for some people to take. (Was that sentence a Freudian slip?) ;-) For some reason the Holy Spirit has been drawing my attention to SANDRA in my Subject line. In the past, I have had people make snide remarks about it, but this is something different. (Isn't it amazing the things people can find to complain about?) I'm sure you know how impossible it is to ignore the Holy Spirit when He piques your interest in something. So I began to consider whether or not I wanted to make a change, and what I might want to change it to. After a bit of thought I decided I would switch to all lower case letters because that speaks to me of a gentle and gracious spirit. The Lord's been giving me some real growth toward my goal in those areas and it felt like it might be a good way to reflect that change by using sandra in my Subject line.

Today I started typing sandra at the top of my emails. I was feeling pretty good about the step I'd taken. After all, our local church recently changed its name to reflect the new life the Lord is bringing to His body here. When we were discussing the concept we talked about the various times in Scripture that God changed names to reflect new life or purpose. It makes a powerful statement and that's what I wanted to do. Well, after a few emails, the Lord spoke to me. No, not audibly, ;-) but clearly - in my spirit one might say.

"This is a good idea. You're right, sandra is much less bombastic, but those small letters make you appear a little insignificant."

I responded, "Oh, yes, Lord. That's all right. Before you I am insignificant. I want people to see You and not me."

I got a response I was not ready for. "Sandra, you are significant."

I have to confess that I couldn't accept it at first. Then I began to remember all the lessons the Lord has made real to me through Scripture, especially Isaiah 43. It was as if God were telling me, "I made you. You are mine. I love you. You are finite before Me, your infinite holy God and Father, but you are precious to Me. I chose you to be mine before I made any part of the world. I have kept you and will continue to watch over you all the days of your life until I bring you home to live with me for all eternity. I want you to understand that in a very real sense I show Myself through you. As my Daughter and fellow heir with my Son Jesus, you are my ambassador, a living letter to those I bring to you."

I was bowled over! I know that God cannot lie and His Word is true. I drank in what He was showing me with humility and as confirmation. You see, over these last months God has been revealing Himself to me in very personal ways. I've been a believer for almost 40 years. I know and have seen God's loving watchcare over me. The truth is though that it's always easier to pray for others and then praise God for His detailed answers to them. I'm definitely not a Paul- or Esther-size saint and it's not always easy to shed burdens from the past. This was a glimpse that took my breath away.

When my emotions calmed down and the tears stopped falling, I looked at the sandra that was typed out in front of me. It did look a little plain and insignificant.

"Okay, God. What should I do to let people know who I am?"

I looked at the poor little sandra and thought of the SANDRA and decided neither one fit. I added a capital S at the beginning and took another look. Yup, that looked pretty good. The S is the first thing people will see, just as I want it to be in my life. The first thing I want people to see about me is the image of God. It's the most important thing about me and the best they will ever know. God is sovereign and I want my capital S to illustrate that truth. (I'm sorry for all you other people who have names that begin with different letters.) ;-) The rest of the letters of my name can remain lower case. God has made a lot of progress in my life, but there is still a lot of work to do. Besides, a capital at the front of a word means that it is a proper noun, the name of a particular person, place or thing. I'm not just particular - some might say peculiar - I'm unique. It isn't always easy being me, but it's who God made me to be and He's teaching me by His grace to accept, enjoy and even revel in that truth. Hallelujah!

It's not a great event in the history of the world. Most people will never even notice the change. The fact that I've decided to go back to the common spelling of my name on the Subject line of my emails won't make a mosquito blink. Nevertheless, it is undertaken with a deeper understanding of who God is and who I am before Him. The capital S at the front of my name is no longer just a convention of grammar. Every time I type it I will be making a statement before God and man, the seen and the unseen world, of all that I've just expressed. Who would have thought God would grant such a powerful glimpse through the Subject line of an email?

Keep your eyes open! You never know where God will show Himself. Love, Sandra :-)

1 comment:

~jenna said...

our insignificance before the Lord and our significance to Him, what a struggle...thanks for the insight!