"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." 1 Corinthians 13:12

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Summits and Plateaus

Okay, so this entry has been percolating for a while. All the better to cover the topic, My Dear.

At the time the idea hit me, I was struggling ... CORRECTION I thought I was struggling. It was like this ...

I'd been on a spiritual high for a while. My daily devotions were fairly regular and particularly meaningful. Bible study meetings were rich and deep. Corporate worship times were feeding my mind and my soul. Fellowship in the body was warm and encouraging. The continuity of God's Word was evident and the relevance of Scripture was powerful. At times I was overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of God's truth and its work in the lives of His people.

Oh, there were still various challenges and hurdles around me, but the goodness of the Lord overshadowed any unpleasantness. My mind and heart were fully focused on The Savior's face and nothing else mattered. It was as if I were dwelling at the worship site atop the Mount of Olives. 2 Samuel 15:30-32 I trust you know what I mean.

Then the day came when that sense of utter contentment slipped. Like a skier who's taken a nasty fall, I checked out my various parts to be sure they were still functioning. My mind continued to affirm the truth of God's loving sovereignty. My heart was still full of gratitude for the saving work of Jesus. My conviction to submit my life to His service was as strong as ever. The circumstances around me hadn't changed significantly. Something was off and, frankly, I was not happy about it.

It took me a few days or maybe a couple of weeks to sort out my symptoms. I reviewed every aspect of my life in the Comforter's presence and the conclusion shook me. I'm almost embarrassed to share it with you. I came to the point where I asked myself what had actually changed in my life. The answer was that I didn't FEEL the same. I was shocked to think that I had been caught in the snare emotions can lay out for us. I would never have believed that I could allow my feelings to take over for truth in coloring my days. I thanked God for drawing me back to Himself and quickly confessed my sin with heartfelt gratefulness for His forgiveness. Psalm 25:15, 1 John 1:9

When I go through experiences like this I catch myself asking, "What lesson should I be learning here?" I know it's a common saying, but I cringe at the words. I don't want the intimate parts of my relationship with my LORD to be boiled down into an academic exercise. Rather, He is tenderly making Himself known to me and I want to take in every aspect of His loving character that He offers to me. [Thank you for letting me address another pet peeve, unhelpful clichés.]

In this portion of my growing relationship with my Abba, I've come to more fully appreciate that the mountaintop experiences are divine gifts. 2 Samuel 22:34 Perhaps they are meant to give us a taste of heaven. Perhaps they are meant to encourage us onward. Perhaps they are basic times of R&R. In any event, each one is an expression of His merciful grace. They are to be recognized and relished. However, I've also come to understand that they have their own particular season according to God's plan. Ecclesiastes 3:1

The problem was that I had grown comfortable and perhaps a bit complacent in the gift of my summit experience. There wasn't a new trauma to address nor a fresh avenue to pursue. The simple truth was that God had merely placed my feet back on the stony path of day-to-day life in a fallen world. He was/is still on His throne. Jesus was/is still whispering in His ear on my behalf. The Spirit was/is still guiding my steps. Hallelujah!

My days are unfolding once again with balance. There's not a hidden threat to uncover or carrot to chase. I'm on the pilgrim's path, the plateau of the walk of faith. The way is not always smooth, but this view of God's hand is spectacular. The summit might be more breathtaking, but the plateau offers the same security, peace and joy in His hands. His truth is in place. He is the Victor. Each portion of the journey He lays out for us is a gift!

May you be equally blessed by the God of Summits and Plateaus!

1 comment:

Cris said...

Praise the Lord for balance! : )

You have a way of describing things that are happening to me.
