"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." 1 Corinthians 13:12

Monday, July 20, 2009

Thanks and Glory

When I was a kid I was taught that a thank you note was an important piece of social etiquette. I'm not sure why that lesson stuck so securely to my life, but it did. When I became a mother I wanted to prepare my children for the grown up world and thank you notes became part of their lives too. In that process God showed me that expressing thanks was more about developing thankful hearts than meeting an unwritten moral code.

I've noticed that this small social grace has, for the most part, fallen out of fashion. Thankfully that never happens to God's Word. The Scriptures abound with the call for God's people to be thankful - actively, expressively thankful. Lately I've been pondering 2 Corinthians 4:15 and it has opened up a wider horizon on the topic of thanks-giving.

All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

First, I had to look back to find out to what "all this" refers. The previous verses outline the assurance believers have of being raised to new life in and with Jesus. *1* These indescribable gifts are given "for your benefit." Since this book was written to the church of God in Corinth, I understand that the benefits are for followers of Jesus. *2*

"So that" implies there is a specific purpose for the aforementioned gifts to be given. I learn that God's grace is "reaching more and more people" as He calls His chosen ones to Himself with the desired consequence being the "overflow" of "thanksgiving." What more reasonable and expected result could there be from a heart redeemed from the wrath of a holy God, reconciled with the Creator, and secured for an eternity of praise, worship and service to the King of Glory? *3*

For me, the end of this verse is the most powerful piece, "to the glory of God". I have long sought to fulfill the ultimate goal of a grateful, fallen child's heart as described by the Westminster Shorter Catechism - The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever." I am thunderstruck by the possibility . . . probability . . . the reality that hearts overflowing with thankfulness for the gift of grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-10) actually bring glory to God! *4*

When one recognizes and comes to realize more fully the immeasurable parameters and value of the gift, thankfulness is the only possible response. As one ponders our own undeserving nature and imperfect performance, thankfulness erupts that God bases His covenant on His own character and not ours. As one considers the blessings of His daily presence and promised inheritance, thankfulness automatically overwhelms and flows forth from our being.

The very gifts that God Himself grants stimulate the heart condition of thankfulness that He craves and calls for from His chosen people. We can't help but tell others how loving are the ways of our Father, how compassionate is the ministry of The Son, how intimate is the counsel of the Spirit. Simply by telling others of God's amazing grace to me we are/I am enabled and empowered to reach the goal by The One who set it in place. Hallelujah!! *5*

I wonder what it would look like if God's people were to send a thank you note toward heaven every time they recognized one of His blessings. Would the halls be littered with envelopes? Would the gates wear out with mail deliveries? Would the air be filled with messages winging heavenward? Would our pockets be empty from the cost of postage?

Here's my tentative but confident beginning contribution to that scenario:

*1* Thank you, God, for your gift of salvation through Christ and the glorious eternal life in Your presence that awaits those who believe.
*2* Thank you, Father, for your personal gift of faith and the future you have in store for me.
*3* Thank you, Jesus, for your substitutionary and atoning sacrifice that grants the abundant life both now and for ever more.
*4* Thank you, Holy Spirit, for this fresh, illuminating glimpse.
*5* Thank you, perfect Triune God, for waking me up this morning in my right mind and setting me on my way. May you alone be honored and glorified. Amen


Ruby said...

And thank you for the starter list!
It is true being thankful and acting upon it is a habit. So many take so much for granted.
Thanks for the thought provoking post.
Ruby (from the PB!)

Heidi said...

It's good to think about cultivating a habit of 'thankfulness'.

Heidi ('a mere housewife' from the PB :-)

Carol Noren Johnson said...

Excellent post and blog. I too wondered whatever happened to thank you notes. I guess we just e-mail these days, and as you pointed out the read value is our heart thankfulness.
Carolon PB