Curt and I just got back from a trip that called for a short domestic plane ride. The flight attendant went through the directions before take-off. I’ve heard them dozens of times, but the following portion started me thinking.
"When the oxygen masks come down, put your own mask on before attempting to assist those around you."
It dawned on me that the same dynamic exists in our spiritual lives. We need to make sure that we have a secure flow of “oxygen” ourselves before attempting to assist those around us with their “oxygen” supply.
We all have other people in our lives that we want to nurture in the faith. Parents want to make sure their children know God and respond to Him with love and obedience. Friends want to encourage those they care about to answer the Savior’s call and live for Him with integrity. Sharing the gospel and stirring each other up in accordance with Ephesians 2:10 is a driving force for the Christian. However, to do so effectively we must first make sure our own faith is firmly in place.
It’s not possible to offer the Truth of God’s Word to anyone else, if we are not submitting ourselves to its healing, growing message on a regular basis. We cannot suggest that someone else get to know the Lord Jesus with heartfelt enthusiasm, if our own relationship with Him is not thriving. It’s counter-productive to try to direct Christian behavior in or model it for our children, if we are not before the Lord ourselves for guidance in right living and self-discipline. We cannot exhort a fellow believer properly, if we are not confronting sin in our own lives.
You know, this parable could get to be annoying. After all, I leave tomorrow on an international trip. In the next two weeks I’ll probably hear these same directions several times as I make connecting flights between cities. Usually I don’t pay too much attention to the flight attendants because I’ve heard them so many times. This little scenario has caught me though and I suspect I’ll be more attuned to the information they’re trying to impart to me. I’ll keep my head up.
Father, I know that before I can open the riches of your Love for someone else to see and enjoy, I need to experience it myself. Please make sure my “oxygen mask” is securely in place. Teach me to breathe in Truth through your Word. Give me a hunger and thirst for righteousness that I cannot ignore. Enable me by the power of your Holy Spirit to grow in your Grace that your Name would be glorified. Allow me to revel in this intimate relationship with you for all eternity. Amen
having just flown, with my little kids, i too was struck by this piece of info, heard it all my life, but never thought about the order until now...great analogy!
I don't think I ever told you this, but since you shared the analogy with me, I was thinking of it on many of the take offs : ). Reading it in words was a blessing this afternoon.
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