"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." 1 Corinthians 13:12

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jigsaw Puzzles and Busy Days

I have a jigsaw puzzle sitting on a portable table in my living room. Winter is the season when I enjoy putting puzzles together, but this one is waiting to be finished before I rebox it and return the table to the attic. My eyes wander to the unfinished task from time to time, but I haven’t been able to sit down and apply myself to it. I tell myself it’s because I’ve got too much else to do. Then I wonder if that’s really the case.

The truth is that there’s always plenty to do around our house. Even though there are only two of us somehow things still need to be cleaned and put back in order. It’s surprising how much time and effort it takes to coordinate the lives of two adults. Then there are the relationships and responsibilities that gather outside our door. They too seem to multiply as time passes. There isn’t really any time of year when my plate is empty.

Okay, I’ll confess. The parts that are left for this puzzle are the blue sky, the foliage on the trees, and a patch of grass. You get the idea - all of the areas that require serious concentration because there are few distinguishing details. When I get to this point in any puzzle it always takes a lot more time for each piece to be put in place. I guess it could be said that this stage is not as interesting or satisfying as the earlier ones.

Yes, I have a set way that I attack jigsaw puzzles. I begin by turning over the pieces, setting aside those with straight edges to put the outside edge together first. Then I choose an interesting object to put together, locating it approximately where it should be in the overall design. I’m a visual person so this stage is quite enjoyable as I make progress quickly and the picture takes shape.

The next stage is also enjoyable. I feel a surge of accomplishment each time I’m able to connect the various objects to each other and eventually fill in whole sections. It’s interesting how much time I’m able to “find” to work on a puzzle when I’m in this stage of the process. I’m not sure, but I think the laundry does itself on those days. ;-)

I shun large jigsaws with general patterns because I’m afraid they’ll be too difficult. I find the 1000 piece size puzzle with an interesting picture the most entertaining. I love getting the pieces to fit together right where they belong to recreate the image on the box. Nevertheless, I’ve noticed that I tend to reach the phase I’m currently in with almost every jigsaw puzzle project. It causes me to ponder.

I’ve decided that I’m glad that God is not the kind of puzzle person I am.

Thank you, Father, that you began this creation project at just the right time and in the perfect process. I rejoice that You know the edges from the middle, the top from the bottom, and the exact measurements to fit on the “table”. There’s no need for You to sort or set pieces aside because they’re all under your loving care. I am delighted, dear Abba Father, that my life is as dear to you as the entire masterpiece.

Thank you, God, that you never find the jumbled up pieces of any situation too difficult, no matter how large or small. Thank you that you are always interested in every detail, using each one to advance you plan. Thank you that you are never too busy to put the pieces of my life in order, applying joy, consequences, and contentment perfectly. My heart is filled with gratitude that You are not put off by intricate designs or patches of scenery.

I am thankful, my Lord and King, that you are able to work on more than one area of my life and indeed throughout the entire world at any given moment. I praise you that as you fit the pieces of your plan together you are molding each one for its own benefit as well as to complement and benefit every other piece as it contributes to the whole. May your Name be hallowed before the seen and the unseen world.

Abba Father, I rejoice that you are The One who created the world so you never need to wonder what it will/should look like. No referring to the cover of the box for You. Each piece, each day, each item will be in its place so that your masterpiece is complete on the day You have ordained. Oh what sweet rest there is in your sovereign arms. Hallelujah Amen